
When 1+1+1=5: Grant Partnerships for the Greater Good

Symbiotic Relationship Needed Between Partners

Collaboration, partnership, and leveraging community resources are more than buzzwords: they are essential nonprofit values, proven strategies for successful grant-seeking, and the means to improve outcomes for those we serve. However, the process of building appropriate alliances and collaborating on grant proposals can seem intimidating or even risky. Ideas and priorities may conflict. Partner roles and responsibilities can be unclear. Not to mention that sharing money can be fraught. Is it worth it? 

In short?  Yes. According to Kristin Raack, CFRE, GPC and founder of AltruNext, partnerships bring numerous benefits to all organizations involved and the community they serve. These often include: 

  • Increased access to funding, especially new funders and/or larger grant amounts;
  • Expanded reach — geographically or with new target audiences — as organizations introduce each other to their existing participants; 
  • Greater expertise and ability to address complex problems because each partner brings their unique skills and program experience to the table;
  • The ability to provide an enhanced continuum of services to the community;
  • Greater efficiencies due to the reduction of overhead or administrative costs; and
  • Enhanced credibility with funders and/or the target community based on existing trust in the community, special qualifications, or previous funder relationships. 

There are myriad types of partnerships — from quite casual to formal legal agreements. No one size fits all. Consider what type of relationship is appropriate for your situation. 

Regardless of the form these strategic alliances take, Kristin Raack explains that they can be powerful catalysts for growth and impact. Prominently feature your partnership in your grant proposals to strengthen your application and demonstrate that your organization is leveraging resources to maximize the positive impact on the community. Consider these noteworthy examples that received grant funding:

  • A city that deployed state grant funds to provide free training to local nonprofits about grant writing best practices;
  • A backbone organization used foundation grants to benefit more than 70+ organizations in a collective impact model;
  • An FQHC (federally qualified health center) and mental health care agency formalized their collaboration to ensure patients received referrals and timely services with the partner agency when needed; 
  • A rural food pantry/community garden capital campaign project is building a community hub with space for other nonprofits to convene and provide direct services; and,
  • Four small arts organizations banded together to create a separate entity to collaboratively raise funds together.

By building appropriate, strategic partnerships, your organization will advance the greater good.