
Transparency, Privacy Part Of Data Sharing

With data and consumer privacy legislation pending in the U.S. House of Representatives and in state legislatures around the nation, seven well-known brands launched the Industry Data for Society Partnership (IDSP) to help advance more open and accessible private-sector data.

The founding members of the IDSP agreed to provide greater access to their data, where appropriate, to help tackle some of the world’s most pressing challenges in areas such as sustainability and inclusive economic growth. 

Companies include GitHub, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), LinkedIn, Microsoft, Northumbrian Water Group, R2 Factory and UK Power Networks. The announcement was posted to the Microsoft site and in a blog posting by Microsoft Vice President Burton Davis.

Nonprofit leaders, researchers, and others can contact the IDSP to request specific data or learn more about the partnership, according to a spokesperson for the IDSP.

In a statement from the group, IDSP members committed to:

* Open data or provide greater access to data, where appropriate, to help solve pressing societal problems in a usable, responsible and inclusive manner.

* Share knowledge and information for the effective use of open data and data collaboration for social benefit.

* Invest in skilling a broad class of professionals to use data effectively and responsibly for social impact.

* Protect individuals’ privacy in all these activities.

The GovLab’s Data Program at New York University and the Open Data Institute will both be partnership affiliates to provide guidance and expertise for partnership endeavors. Participating IDSP companies will launch a Data for Local Environments Challenge with the Open Data Institute. Using publicly available datasets and datasets shared or curated by the private sector, participants will explore how officials in cities, counties and municipalities can use these datasets to generate insights and solutions to improve their local environments, such as reaching their Net Zero goals.